Attending: |
Delee Silvius |
Chair |
Jasmine Wirth-Hudson |
Vice-President (Vice-Chair) |
Tammy Duke |
WF. Ready Principal (Appointed Member) |
Sherry Reavley |
W.F. Ready Vice-Principal |
Candice Seifert |
W.F. Ready Grade 1 |
Ted Jaleta |
Trustee (Subdivision 1) |
Stacy Kelso |
Volunteer/Member |
Alexis Campbell |
Volunteer/Member |
Lisa Williams |
Volunteer/Member (Zoom) RPS SCC Advisory Committee Member |
Regrets: |
Ray Quon |
Treasurer |
Danielle Peterson |
Secretary |
Jil Saelhof |
Volunteer/Member |
Brad Slowski |
Past-Chair |
Brooke Lochbaum |
Volunteer/Member |
J. Hodsman |
Volunteer/Member |
Guest: |
Kim MacDonald |
Potential Volunteer/Member (kimberlymacdonald22@gmail.com) |
1. Fundraising Events
There are questions about how many fundraising events we are allowed to run annually. We may only be able to run one major fundraiser per year and there is a lack of clarity over what the definition of a major fundraiser is. Limits on fundraising are generally in place to ensure equity between schools. It was agreed that the SCC Manual should be checked for clarification.
Discussion: There is no policy in place right now, but a policy is being developed. We should be mindful for taxing people in community for obtaining funding. We should have one major event, and then some smaller events as well.
2. Getting Volunteers for Events
The SCC will consider having a dedicated volunteer to recruit volunteers for events.
The website could be updated with proper information for parents to access. SCC meeting dates and record of decisions should be posted to the website.
One of the directives from the division is to use the website, so information will be posted by Duke on the website.
Other discussion for the website included posting SCC meeting dates, as well as a Record of Decisions/Summary of discussion on the website for the SCC meetings.
3. Business Arising from Previous Meeting
Duke distributed the Administration Report for the SCC (attached following meeting minute summary).
- The Strategic Plan is to be approved by the end of November.
- Conferences are coming up on November 18, 2022. There will be online appointment booking this year. Instructions are on the school website. A paper copy will go out to the students this Friday (October 28). Sign up opens on November 7, at 7:00 am and closes the day before the conferences. Reminders are provided within the software.
- Safety drills are in progress.
Emergency lunches
The SCC approved that $200.00/month be provided for emergency lunches. Campbell volunteered to do the shopping on behalf of the SCC. Parents may donate if they choose and donations will be coordinated on the school website.
Ms. Toews is retiring after 31 years of teaching and 7 years at Ready. Williams will purchase retirement gift using SCC funds.
Halloween Dance
Students will donate $2.00 for the United Way to attend the dance. No adult volunteers are required.
4. Events for this Year
Event options for this year were discussed.
Event Discussion
- Movie night: Duke informed the SCC that there is a $500.00 charge to obtain a license to show a film. We may be able to recoup some of the costs of the licencing fee.
- Game night: Families can come together to play a number of different board games.
- Dance: A possibility is an evening dance with a carnival theme. Admission is usually $5.00 per family.
- School BBQ: This was an event that the SCC used to put on at the end of the school year. It might be the nice to bring back for 2023.
As we are still in the planning stages for the year, events would most like to occur in the spring.
Action: Determine what events we are willing to put on for 2023.
Fundraising Discussion
The SCC will focus funds on providing W.F. Ready with an outdoor living space. We require a budget so that we know how much we need to raise.
Action: A volunteer is needed to obtain some quotes on costs.
Ottenbreit Meats:
This is a major fundraiser that occurred at Easter in the past. This was successful and is the preferred choice for the major fundraiser this year.
Lessons learned from past years:
- E-transfers was the most frustrating part of the process
- need to make sure names are provided.
Other fundraisers mentioned:
• Mom’s Pantry
• Little Caesar’s pizza
• Ordering Halloween candy and chips for trick or treating. (Consideration for next year)
• Good Food box (MacDonald to inquire about)
• Gift Card Fundraiser (Consider for next year)
o Seifert to see if this makes enough money.
o Campbell to determine the company to use for
this fundraiser.
5. New Business
The Treasurer’s Report is deferred to the next meeting.
6. Strategic Plan and Goals – Re-engagement
There was discussion about possibility of SCC having own their own ZOOM account since several members will not be able to attend meetings unless there is a ZOOM option.
In the interests of saving funds for school support, Williams has volunteered to continue providing the link for the SCC meetings.
7. SCC Yearly Planning Cycle
A proposed schedule for SCC meetings and the establishment of 2 subcommittees: Fundraising and Special Events was presented to the SCC.
Members seemed to support model, but there are not enough members for subcommittees. It was noted that volunteers not on the SCC could volunteer for these subcommittees. Volunteers may be willing to assist with an event but may not want to be an SCC member and attend regular meetings.
8. Classroom Donation
The SCC will provide $150.00 /year to each teacher for school trips and classroom supplies.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, November 22
Administrator’s report: October 25 @6:30 in library and Via Zoom