
Pink Day 2021

FEBRUARY 9, 2021 -- School divisions across Saskatchewan will celebrate Pink Day on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

Pink Day started in 2007, when a Grade 9 student in Cambridge, Nova Scotia was bullied by classmates for wearing a pink shirt to school. Taking notice, two students rallied their peers to send a message to the bullies. The next day, the halls were filled with students in pink T-shirts.

Pink Day started because two boys chose to do something about bullying rather than stand by and watch it happen. Now the movement is worldwide, educating and inspiring others to stand together to create an environment of anti-bullying, inclusion, belonging and respect.

Enhanced Ventilation in Schools

JANUARY 22, 2021 – Regina Public Schools announces the completion of an important project that will contribute to the health and safety of all students and employees in all Regina Public schools and buildings.

All Regina Public facilities now have enhanced, new air filtration systems. Announced in October and in the Return to School Parent Handbook, the school division has increased airflow and replaced or updated all ventilation systems in all its schools and buildings.

The newly installed air filtration systems use a technology called “bipolar ionization.” This filtration:

Aboriginal Storytelling Month 2021

JANUARY 21, 2021 -- The Regina Public Library is hosting some fantastic virtual programs for Aboriginal Storytelling Month (February). If you are interested, please sign up on the Regina Public Library website. Contact Wendy Sinclair at if you have any further questions.

Indigenous Storytelling Through Books

Indigenous Storytelling Through Graphic Novels

How We Try to Keep You Informed During the Pandemic

January 20, 2021 -- Ever wondered what happens when there is a case of COVID-19 at a school? A lot of work goes on behind the scenes. After the notification from Public Health, it usually begins with school division and school-based administration identifying potential close contacts in the school. This work is done in consultation with and confirmed by Public Health.

What is contact tracing? We are trying to find out where the staff member or student was on the day that they were contagious. Were they in one classroom or several? Did they go throughout the school or stay in one office? How close did they sit or stand to others and for how long?

Once that has been determined, the school division springs into action. This could be during the school day, at night or on weekends or holidays. To keep all employees and families informed, we follow these steps: